Przymierze Miłości Bożej jest ogólnopolską Wspólnotą zrzeszającą głęboko wierzących katolików, którzy w sposób szczególny umiłowali Jezusa Chrystusa Króla Polski i którym nie jest obojętny los naszej Ojczyzny, biblijnego Nowego Jeruzalem. Naród Polski jest Nowym Narodem Wybranym, do którego Pan Bóg kieruje swe Słowo poprzez niniejszą stronę internetową – zbioru współczesnych Orędzi Bożych podawanych przez Boże osoby.
Głównym zadaniem Wspólnoty PMB jest rozprzestrzenianie kultu Jezusa Chrystusa Króla Polski prawdziwie Intronizowanego w Świebodzinie 31 października 2020 roku oraz prawdy, wedle Woli Bożej.
Powstała nowa Grupa Modlitewna w PMB.
Ks. Piotr: Módlcie się za Ojczyznę
Z Woli Bożej
Trwajcie na procesjach do Jezusa Chrystusa Króla Polski
Świadectwa z Procesji
Z Woli Bożej
Trwajcie na procesjach do Jezusa Chrystusa Króla Polski
Świadectwa z Procesji
Wojna o Polskę i Polaków, o polskie dusze
Prośby Nieba o stałą modlitwę
PMB odcina się od działalności AMM
Odcinamy się od słów Łukasza Andryszczaka!
Obrazki z Koronką do Jezusa Chrystusa Króla Polski
Ulotki z prawidłową Koronką do BM oraz obrazem Jezusa Miłosiernego
Prośby Nieba o stałą modlitwę
PMB odcina się od działalności AMM
Odcinamy się od słów Łukasza Andryszczaka!
Obrazki z Koronką do Jezusa Chrystusa Króla Polski
Ulotki z prawidłową Koronką do BM oraz obrazem Jezusa Miłosiernego
darowizna na PMB
Strona PMB jest utrzymywana w pełni ze środków darczyńców, którzy dobrowolnie wspomagają jej utrzymanie.
Bóg zapłać dobrym duszyczkom za wsparcie! Dzięki wam Boża strona funkcjonuje jak należy.
Darowizna jest dobrowolna!
Bóg zapłać dobrym duszyczkom za wsparcie! Dzięki wam Boża strona funkcjonuje jak należy.
Darowizna jest dobrowolna!
Darowizny obecnie są czasowo wstrzymane.
The Covenant of God's Love for Jesus Christ the King of Poland
The Covenant of God's Love is a website created by the will of the readers of these messages, which is a collection of messages of contemporary prophets concerning mainly Poland and the events to come soon.
The messages from Heaven are given to us by Gregory from Leszno. There are few other mystics besides the main prophets.
This site is a collection of messages, prayers and other materials worthy of attention, which I recommend to read. All prayers and information about local Holy Masses with important intentions are available here.
One of the important topics is the Great Oppression, which started at the beginning of 2020. I recommend getting acquainted with the topic of the Illumination of Conscience, which is about to happen very soon.
We do not tolerate here opponents of the Catholic Church, enemies of Christ's Enthronement as the King of Poland, and atheists. We are a faith-mature Catholic community and all signs of hatred will be removed. We invite all people of good will.
The messages from Heaven are given to us by Gregory from Leszno. There are few other mystics besides the main prophets.
This site is a collection of messages, prayers and other materials worthy of attention, which I recommend to read. All prayers and information about local Holy Masses with important intentions are available here.
One of the important topics is the Great Oppression, which started at the beginning of 2020. I recommend getting acquainted with the topic of the Illumination of Conscience, which is about to happen very soon.
We do not tolerate here opponents of the Catholic Church, enemies of Christ's Enthronement as the King of Poland, and atheists. We are a faith-mature Catholic community and all signs of hatred will be removed. We invite all people of good will.
On February 20, 2020, God the Father enthroned Jesus in Heaven as the King of Poland, who has been raining Poland since then. This information was given as first by the prophet Gregory. However. Currently, we have many messages from our Polish prophets about the election of this country. If Poles do not enthrone Jesus as the King of Poland, then the nation will be annihilated in the very near future.
In his last material, the prophet Gregory informed the audience about the earthly Enthronization that took place at the Shrine of The Divine Mercy in Świebodzin, Poland on October 31, 2020. From that moment on, Poland has been the Kingdom of Two Hearts of Love - the chosen nation has the King and Queen!
The Jews rejected God by crucifying Him 2,000 years ago and not recognizing Him as the Savior. Since that time Poland has been the second chosen nation, which has been and is confirmed by contemporary prophets, also from outside Poland.
Poland is particularly beloved by Heaven thanks to the vows of King John Casimir, made on April 1, 1656, who officially enthroned the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Queen of Poland: „You are my Patron Saint and the Queen of my countries today”. She has been given a special cult in Poland for centuries. Therefore, Jesus also wants to be enthroned in Poland, and what He passed on to Rozalia Celak (born on September 19, 1901) is that He be officially recognized and crowned by secular and clerical authorities.
In his last material, the prophet Gregory informed the audience about the earthly Enthronization that took place at the Shrine of The Divine Mercy in Świebodzin, Poland on October 31, 2020. From that moment on, Poland has been the Kingdom of Two Hearts of Love - the chosen nation has the King and Queen!
The Jews rejected God by crucifying Him 2,000 years ago and not recognizing Him as the Savior. Since that time Poland has been the second chosen nation, which has been and is confirmed by contemporary prophets, also from outside Poland.
Poland is particularly beloved by Heaven thanks to the vows of King John Casimir, made on April 1, 1656, who officially enthroned the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Queen of Poland: „You are my Patron Saint and the Queen of my countries today”. She has been given a special cult in Poland for centuries. Therefore, Jesus also wants to be enthroned in Poland, and what He passed on to Rozalia Celak (born on September 19, 1901) is that He be officially recognized and crowned by secular and clerical authorities.
There are too many messages to translate them all into English. Therefore I encourage you to use a translator.
Glory to You, Christ the King of Poland!
Glory to You, Christ the King of Poland!
Jedyny prawdziwy wizerunek Jezusa Miłosiernego, który wykonał malarz Eugeniusz Kazimirowski na podstawie wizji siostry Faustyny Kowalskiej, do którego pozował ks. Michał Sopoćko w albie. |